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Task 1

To assess the crisis preparedness of the Member States and the capacity gaps, knowledge and training needs of public health specialists (including the training audience, training needs of EU Member States and EEA countries and competent authorities of selected third countries, addressing preparedness and response capacities).

D 1.1 – Protocol for conducting an in-depth analysis of human resources core competencies on preparedness planning and evaluation (TNA)

D 1.2 – Study report including the analysis of EU Member States preparedness capacity gaps, type of competencies and training needs and a power point presentation of maximum 30 slides summarizing the results

D 1.3 – Preparedness-training working group workshops programmes identifying the main topics, format, and audience

D 1.4 – Six workshops (hybrid or physical), minimum 3 days duration each, with groups of country representatives (minimum 20), at regular interval to inform and advise the EU preparedness training programme. The contractor will prepare reports after each workshops.

D 1.5 – Three ad-hoc meetings with minimum 20 participants organized in order to facilitate the consultation of the EU Member States and EEA countries Preparedness training working group. The contractor will prepare a report after each ad-hoc meeting.


Task 2

Task 2: Mapping existing preparedness and response training programmes at EU and national level on national preparedness plans development, implementations, monitoring and evaluation.

D 2.1 - Mapping report of existing preparedness and response training programmes at EU and international level and a Power point presentation of maximum 30 slides summarising the results.

D 2.2 – Preparedness and response training inventory presented as a database to be hosted by ECDC.

Task 3

Task 3: Creation of a modular EU preparedness training programme, to strengthen crisis preparedness and response capabilities

D 3.1 – The EU preparedness training programme package including, list of identified contact points, the structure, the methodology of training needs assessment, training curricula, case studies with core and advanced modules and simulation exercises, materials to be distributed to the participants and methods used to deliver the training.

D 3.2 – Minimum twelve EU preparedness trainings (with minimum 20 participants) using mixed methods including e-learning, case studies and simulation exercises.

D 3.3 – Minimum twelve exchange visits for public health experts (with minimum 20 participants) from Member States, adapted to the national public health required knowledge and skills, addressing the needs of local, regional and EU levels.

Task 4

Task 4: Carry out pilots of the EU preparedness training programme, including evaluation of the train-ings and preparation of a final training programme

D 4.1 – 4 EU preparedness training programme pilot training courses protocol, evaluation planning and tools, including simulation exercises.

D 4.2 – 4 pilot training courses organised at regional level, one for each of the EU regions (North, South, West and East).

D 4.3 – 4 pilot training courses evaluation reports with suggestions for the improvement of the EU preparedness training programme.

D 4.4 – Comprehensive EU preparedness training programme, which is to be incorporated on the European virtual academy (EVA) hosted by the ECDC.

D 4.5 – At least 27 national workshops (in all Member States) (minimum duration: 2 days) to discuss at national level the implementation of the new Health Security Framework, including the preparedness priority topics. A concept paper and a report for each national workshop are expected

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